3. Files to Amazon S3


An example where we mirror local directory to S3 bucket.

This configuration will backup/mirror our pictures from user home folder ~/Pictures to Amazon S3 storage. If you want to retain multiple version of files you should setup versioning for you bucket.

 1 storage.filesystem.basedir=~/Pictures
 3 storage.s3.bucket=<Amazon S3 bucket name>
 5 ;storage.s3.key.access=<access key>
 6 ;storage.s3.key.secret=<secret>
 8 storage.s3.update=yes
10 compare.sqlite.file=~/xtbackup.db
12 engine.outputs[]=cli
13 engine.local=filesystem
14 engine.remote=s3
15 engine.compare=sqlite

See previous examples for lines that are not explained.

line 3: set your S3 bucked that will be used for this backup

line 5 and 6: Generate "Access Keys" in Security Credentials in your AWS console
This needs to be filled in if you want ot use s3 as storage, however preferred way is to use private INI file that can be stored in the more secure folder with limited access. That way you can avoid accidentally committing your AWS credentials to potentially public repositories and losing $$$ in the process http://pulse.me/s/13oajD.
So if you do not use separate INI file please uncomment this lines and fill in credentials.

line 8: should upload/remove of data be executed? (yes/no/simulate)
yes - will transfer data to S3
no - will not start update process
simulate - will output progress, but will not really transfer data