
Quick start

Configuration explained

xtBackup is build as library which may be included into different programs. The control program xtbackup.php is provided to make backup task functionality available and it makes it possible to execute backup tasks.

xtbackup.php by itself interprets following command line options:

All other command line parameters passed to xtbackup.php are forwarded to xtBackup engine as configuration options.

Most of configuration is done in INI file(s), but command line passed options have precedence over INI definitions. Special case is the ini[] options which can't be used in INI files.

It is possible to define multiple ini[] options on command line, they precedence is given in order they are listed. The purpose of multiple ini[] options and precedence of command line options over INI is: * sharing of configuration * security, credentials may be stored in private INI files


It is recommended to read through the tutorials to learn about xtBackup usage:

Configuration reference

Read output of xtbackup.php --init, that is all we have. Yes, you are welcome to contribute with more and better documentation.

; xtbackup.php configuration file for version 0.1.UNKNOWN

; listed options are more often changed then other - see description later in this file

; engine.outputs[] = 
; compare.mysqlite.testing = 
; compare.mysqlite.rebuild = 
; compare.mysqlite.keep = 
; core engine configuration

; Register directories with additional drivers.
; Structure of such directory has to follow xtbackup folder hierarchy.
; It is possible to use ENGINE_DIR constant in INI, which points to parent folder of core/Engine.php.
; Example:
; engine.extensions[] = ENGINE_DIR "/examples/plugins"
; default:
;     engine.extensions[] =

; engine.extensions[] = 

; Reference output configuration key(s) which will be used to process output from engine.
; You may configure multiple output configurations to be used by engine.
; Example: engine.outputs[] = mycli
; default:
;     engine.outputs[] = cli

; see suggested section for values

; Set process priority. Doesn't work on Windows.
; See PHP/proc_nice and `man nice` for more info.
; default:
;     engine.nice = 

; engine.nice = 

; Limit backup instances to run only once instance globaly (value 1) or per configuration file (value 2).
; Example:
; engine.lock-type = 1
; default:
;     engine.lock-type = 2

; engine.lock-type = 

; What should additional instances (see lock-type) do:
; 0 - application wait until previous backup ends
; greater then 0 - how many seconds should current process wait for previous backup to end, then exit application
; false - don't wait, exit application
; Example:
; engine.lock-wait = 0
; default:
;     engine.lock-wait = 0

; engine.lock-wait = 

; definition of filter(s)

; Driver class
filter.myregexp.class = Filter_RegExp

; configuration of output driver(s)

; Driver class
output.myblackhole.class = Output_Blackhole

; Driver class
output.mycli.class = Output_Cli

; What level of information do you want to see in output.
; default:
;     output.mycli.verbosity = notice

; output.mycli.verbosity = 

; Should progress be visually presented in output.
; default:
;     output.mycli.progress = 1

; output.mycli.progress = 

; definition of storage drivers

; Driver class
storage.mydummy.class = Storage_Dummy

; Driver class
storage.myfilesystem.class = Storage_Filesystem

; read actual data about file system and feed compare driver ?
; default:
;     storage.myfilesystem.refresh = 

; storage.myfilesystem.refresh = 

; default:
; = utf8

; = 

; ....
; = 

; Driver class
storage.mymysqlamazonrds.class = Storage_MysqlAmazonRds

; if provided this name will be used to create backup instance from snapshot
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.tempname = 

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.tempname = 

; see
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.certificate_authority = 1

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.certificate_authority = 

; how to handle situation the temporary backup instance already exists (exit,use)
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.ifexists = exit

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.ifexists = 

; DBInstance name in given region you want to backup
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.dbinstance = 

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.dbinstance = 

; set instance class of temporary backup instance, same as original if not set
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.dbinstanceclass = 

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.dbinstanceclass = 

; created temporary RDS instance will be dropped after backup process finishes
; default:
;     storage.mymysqlamazonrds.droptemp = 1

; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.droptemp = 

; see
; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.region = 

; Amazon RDS authentification key
; Best practice is to place this option into separate INI file readable only by user executing backup.
; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.key.access = 

; Amazon RDS authentification key
; Best practice is to place this option into separate INI file readable only by user executing backup.
; storage.mymysqlamazonrds.key.secret = 

; Driver class
storage.mys3.class = Storage_S3

; see
; default:
;     storage.mys3.certificate_authority = 1

; storage.mys3.certificate_authority = 

; default:
;     storage.mys3.defaultRedundancyStorage = STORAGE_STANDARD

; storage.mys3.defaultRedundancyStorage = 

; read actual data from S3 and feed compare driver ? (yes/no/never)
; default:
;     storage.mys3.refresh = 

; storage.mys3.refresh = 

; should upload/remove of data be executed ? (yes/no/simulate)
;   yes:      will transfer data to S3
;   no:       will not start update process
;   simulate: will output progress, but will not really transfer data
; default:
;     storage.mys3.update = 

; storage.mys3.update = 

; Find out if yur PC is compatible with Amazon PHP SDK, it will always stop the application if enabled.
; default:
;     storage.mys3.compatibility-test = 

; storage.mys3.compatibility-test = 

; If S3 bucket versioning is disabled you will not be able to restore older versions of files.
; FALSE will suppress warnings in case that it is disabled.
; default:
;     storage.mys3.warn-versioning = 1

; storage.mys3.warn-versioning = 

; default:
;     storage.mys3.multipart = 1
;     storage.mys3.multipart = 

; storage.mys3.multipart = 

; S3 authentification key
; Best practice is to place this option into separate INI file readable only by user executing backup.
; storage.mys3.key.access = <enter your value and uncomment>

; S3 authentification key
; Best practice is to place this option into separate INI file readable only by user executing backup.
; storage.mys3.key.secret = <enter your value and uncomment>

; TRUE/FALSE enable multipart upload of big files. It speeds up upload.
; storage.mys3.multipart.big-files = 

; The size of an individual part. The size may not be smaller than 5 MB or larger than 500 MB. The default value is 50 MB.
; storage.mys3.multipart.part-size = 

; Driver class
storage.mymysql.class = Storage_Mysql

; read actual data about file system and feed compare driver ?
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.refresh = 

; storage.mymysql.refresh = 

; default:
; = utf8

; = 

; mysql server host name
; default:
; = localhost

; = 

; mysql server port number
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.port = 3306

; storage.mymysql.port = 

; mysql user name
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.user = root

; storage.mymysql.user = 

; mysql user password
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.password = 

; storage.mymysql.password = 

; compress data files on the fly
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.compressdata = 

; storage.mymysql.compressdata = 

; default:
;     storage.mymysql.addtobasedir = 

; storage.mymysql.addtobasedir = 

; default:
;     storage.mymysql.rotate = 0
;     storage.mymysql.rotate = 0
;     storage.mymysql.rotate = 0

; storage.mymysql.rotate = 

; specify external filter application like 'php -f filter.php -- '
; default:
;     storage.mymysql.filter-ext = 

; storage.mymysql.filter-ext = 

; for how many days should backups be kept
; storage.mymysql.rotate.days = 

; for how many weeks should backups be kept
; storage.mymysql.rotate.weeks = 

; for how many months should backups be kept
; storage.mymysql.rotate.months = 

; definition of compare driver(s)

; Driver class
compare.mysqlite.class = Compare_Sqlite

; stored compare data will not be changed when finished
; default:
;     compare.mysqlite.testing = false

; see suggested section for values

; reset all data in table
; default:
;     compare.mysqlite.rebuild = false

; see suggested section for values

; don't drop testing table from DB if testing=true
; default:
;     compare.mysqlite.keep = false

; see suggested section for values

; should compare be executed ?
; default:
; = true

; = 

; path and file name of sqlite database file to use
; compare.mysqlite.file = <enter your value and uncomment>